Aylesbury High School

Developing uniquely talented young adults, who are independent, strong & confident

Welcome to the AHS Alumnae Hub

As a former student, you are part of the ongoing AHS community and we would love to hear what you have been up to since – wherever you are in the world!

Here you can reconnect with your friends, see what exciting events are coming up and find ways to progress your own personal dreams!

Digital Archive
The Archive Timeline

AHS Alumnae Profiles

We would like to celebrate all of you who have left your mark on AHS. Here you can find the stories of former AHS students. Please contact us if you would like us to feature your story, either here or on the Alumni News board. You can do this by filling in this form or directly contacting the Community and Alumni Office at AHScommunity@ahs.bucks.sch.uk


Please consider donating to the AHS Fund. It helps us to enrich the curriculum and develop the school's facilities to ensure that every student is able to fulfil their potential, wherever their strengths lie. 

Support from our Alumni and the wider community allows us to provide the outstanding education you expect and the students deserve.

Help us grow

Please help our community grow. Just insert the email address of any Alumnae you are in touch with in box below. You can preview the email that is going out to them before clicking Send.

Thank you!

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